Memorials & Funerals

At First Parish, we come together as a community in many ways. One of the strengths of Unitarian Universalism is that we honor life’s complexities. We especially look to support those who have experienced the loss of a loved one.  Lay Ministers provide emotional and practical support for grieving families. Our Memorial Garden can be a resting place for a loved one’s ashes.  At one service each month, we hear the names of those who have been lost this year in our Spoken Memorials. Should you decide on having a memorial service at First Parish, ministerial fees for contributing members of First Parish are waived for memorial services.

When a loved one dies, it is important to contact the minister as soon as possible. Call Rev. Marta Flanagan or Rev. Erica Richmond at 781-648-3799. They can help guide you through the many decisions as well as the emotional trauma. We work with families or friends to create a service that truly captures the essence of the one who has passed. Marta and Rev. Erica consider this to be deeply sacred work and are available to sort through questions, grief, logistics, and memories that occur during a loss.