Interim Minister Search

The Interim Minister Search Committee

As First Parish prepares for Marta’s departure, we need to hire an “Interim” Lead Minister, who will guide us over the next couple years while we take the time to prepare for and hire our “Called” or “Settled” minister.  

The Interim Search Committee (ISC) will:

  • Work with the Parish Committee, Committee on Ministry and congregation to explore the needs of FP;
  • Collect a set of characteristics we would like in our interim minister; 
  • Prepare materials that reflect our vibrant community and desired characteristics;
  • Review those who choose to apply to FP, conduct interviews, and make a recommendation to the Parish Committee.

The Parish Committee makes the final decision and puts the contract in place.

Why an interim?

It is common  for UU communities to hire an interim minister to provide time for the congregation to prepare for a “settled” minister. 

“Calling” a settled minister is an extensive process. In the fall, we’ll begin the process of “discernment”, that is understanding the desires and needs of the congregation that will help us in selecting a called minister.  We’ll a​​lso explore new models of staffing, lay leadership, ways of doing things, and priorities.  

Selecting a search committee for our next settled minister is an open process:

  • Any interested member will be encouraged to put their name forward for this work.
  • The Settled Minister Search Committee will then be elected by a congregational vote.  
  • When a Settled Minister is selected, the congregation will vote on the candidate.

According to the UUA, the process of discernment and search can take two years or more.  We currently anticipate that our congregation could vote to call our next settled minister in the spring of 2027, to join us for the 2027-2028 program year.


January Parish Committee selects the Interim Search Committee
Jan-March ISC explores the needs of First Parish and collects a set of characteristics for our interim minister
Feb 16 First drop in Q&A session in the Parlor from noon to 1:15 
Feb-March ISC prepares materials to attract applicants
Mid April ISC submits First Parish material to UUA for Applicants
End April Candidates indicate interest in FP
May ISC:  Interviews, decision making, offers extended
June Hire is finalized by Parish Committee
August 1 Interim Minister starts at First Parish

Save the date May 31 for the Celebrate Marta Party!

Watch this space:  More ways to honor and celebrate Marta to come.

Reverend Marta Flanagan

Interim Search Committee Members

Marilyn Downs

Marilyn Downs, ISC Member

Marilyn Downs and her family first came to First Parish in 1990. Over the years she has taught Religious Education, sung in the choir, co-chaired the Social Justice Committee, served on the Racial Justice Committee, co-led a series on “Unpacking Whiteness,” coordinated Covenant Groups, and is currently part of the First Parish Art Team. She works as a psychotherapist and is also an artist. Marilyn has deep gratitude for what this vibrant community has to offer and is committed to helping shepherd us to the next chapter.

Elizabeth Hunter

Elizabeth Hunter, ISC Member

Elizabeth Hunter has been a member of First Parish since 2010 and has served as a Worship Associate, a Youth Advisor, on the Committee on Ministry and the Shared Ministry Committee and participated in many other ways.  She and her husband, Jason Merrill, live with their daughter, Alice, in Davis Square.  Elizabeth is the Artistic Director Emerita of Theatre@First, Somerville’s community theatre, and is currently directing two different Shakespeare plays and planning a Family Gap Year.  Elizabeth is a big fan of change and is looking forward to being part of the important decisions involved in this time of transition for our community.

Lori Kenschaft

Lori Kenschaft, ISC Member

Lori Kenschaft has been a First Parish member since 2007 and has served on the Parish Committee, STAR, Property Committee, Climate Action Working Group, Mass Incarceration Working Group, the Services and Celebrations Committee (which preceded the Worship Associates), and the team that helped craft the Worship Associates program.  She cares deeply about the well-being of the First Parish community and looks forward to helping find an interim minister who will be a good match for us.

Marie Meteer

Marie Meteer, ISC Chair

Marie Meteer has been a member of First Parish for over 20 years and raised her three children in this community.  The youngest (now 23) is back as nursery coordinator on Sunday mornings.  Marie has taught Religious Education and was RE Chair for the renovation of the RE wing when we held RE in the Senior Center.  She was Parish Committee Chair through the first two years of the pandemic and has been on Stewardship, Trustees and Leadership Development. But most important has always been as a member of a community that holds each other.  Marie is committed to helping First Parish through this next transition.

Jim Ptacek

Jim Ptacek, ISC Member

Jim Ptacek and his family came to First Parish in 2001. He has observed a number of different ministers (including interims) over this time. He served as a Worship Associate and has been on a number of committees, including the Shared Ministry Committee and currently, the Committee on Ministry. Jim has faith in the strength of the First Parish community and wants to find an interim who can lead us through this important transition.