The Interim Minister Search Committee
As First Parish prepares for Marta’s departure, we need to hire an “Interim” Lead Minister, who will guide us over the next couple years while we take the time to prepare for and hire our “Called” or “Settled” minister.
The Interim Search Committee (ISC) will:
- Work with the Parish Committee, Committee on Ministry and congregation to explore the needs of FP;
- Collect a set of characteristics we would like in our interim minister;
- Prepare materials that reflect our vibrant community and desired characteristics;
- Review those who choose to apply to FP, conduct interviews, and make a recommendation to the Parish Committee.
The Parish Committee makes the final decision and puts the contract in place.
Why an interim?
It is common for UU communities to hire an interim minister to provide time for the congregation to prepare for a “settled” minister.
“Calling” a settled minister is an extensive process. In the fall, we’ll begin the process of “discernment”, that is understanding the desires and needs of the congregation that will help us in selecting a called minister. We’ll also explore new models of staffing, lay leadership, ways of doing things, and priorities.
Selecting a search committee for our next settled minister is an open process:
- Any interested member will be encouraged to put their name forward for this work.
- The Settled Minister Search Committee will then be elected by a congregational vote.
- When a Settled Minister is selected, the congregation will vote on the candidate.
According to the UUA, the process of discernment and search can take two years or more. We currently anticipate that our congregation could vote to call our next settled minister in the spring of 2027, to join us for the 2027-2028 program year.