There are many ways to contribute to the religious education program at First Parish Arlington. Whether you are a teen, young adult, parent, empty-nester, elder, or non-parent, we all have a role to play in supporting the religious education program.
One way members of First Parish contribute to religious education is by pledging to support First Parish financially. Besides some materials fees for the Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality education program and the Coming of Age program, our programs are free to members and non-members alike.
Read on for other ways to contribute your time and talents to religious education at First Parish! Please be in touch with Rev. Stevie Carmody, minister of religious education, if you would like to contribute (, or fill out our religious education volunteer intake form.
Sunday during services
While our Sunday morning worship is happening, children are engaged in rich, interactive programming designed to cultivate their wonder and religious exploration. Join in every so often, or regularly.
Sunday before & after services
These options allow you to fully participate in Sunday morning worship, but go a long way to support our Sunday morning Religious Education program.
Evening programs for teens (7-8:30pm)
Seventh/Eighth graders take part in Our Whole Lives, a values-based comprehensive sexuality education program.
Eighth graders (in the Spring) participate in the Coming of Age program.
Youth group (for high schoolers) meets regularly on Sunday evenings.
For all these programs, we need the support of many adults.
Religious Education Committee
Our Religious Education committee—in collaboration with our Minister of Religious Education—oversees the religious education program at First Parish Arlington. Committee members meet monthly, engage in special projects to support the program, and contribute volunteer time to orient/recruit teachers. The Committee regularly reviews the curriculum offered in religious education program.
Miscellaneous / Asynchronous
These volunteer opportunities happen irregularly and/or occasionally, fitting within your availability.