First Parish Evacuation Plan
Evacuation Guidelines:
- When the building alarm sounds, we evacuate.
- Evacuate quickly and quietly.
- Help those who are mobility impaired or those with young children.
- Meet your family and friends at the rally point. Children in Religious Education classes (RE) will be taken to the rally point.
- If there is an issue with your assigned evacuation exit, please proceed to the next nearest exit to evacuate. Rally point (place to meet and reorganize): in front of Arlington Town Hall, 730 Massachusetts Avenue, to west of the First Parish campus
To exit the First Parish building there are 6 doors: West Mass Ave, East Mass Ave, Pleasant Street, Parish House, Vestry (exits onto grass), Annex (has steps/not a wheelchair exit).
To reach the Arlington Town Hall, 730 Mass Ave rally point
To exit the First Parish building from the