
Being welcoming to all is a key foundation of our faith and making our building and programs accessible is one way we live our faith.

Entering First Parish

Westerly doors are equipped with an open button to open doors electronically.

All ramps and stairways inside or outside the building are equipped with railings.

There are three dedicated parking spaces for the alternately abled, one of which is suitable for van access.

Our Sanctuary

Our Sanctuary is on the ground floor and has not stairs to enter or to go to the front to speak.

Seating in the sanctuary is individual and may be moved to accommodate specific needs or mobilities.

Personal amplification devices and large print orders of service are available during Sunday worship in the meeting house.

Navigating the building

Common rooms for coffee hour, the kitchen, and the staff offices are all on the ground floor.

The Parish House, which houses our Religious Education program and some meeting rooms, has three levels–all are accessible via an elevator.

Other Facilities

All bathrooms are wheelchair accessible and gender neutral.