Youth Programs

We’re RE- Establishing Youth Programming!

Our Youth Group –The High School Youth Group is held weekly on Sunday evenings, from 7-8:30 pm.  We follow a model of teen empowerment and the youth elect officers each year. They, together with returning Youth Group Coordinator Rose Sawyer Marsh, and veteran adult youth advisors, collaborate to create a program comprising community building, spirituality, worship, social justice and outreach,  and having fun.

They will begin their year with a picnic, a special gathering for freshmen, and a parent orientation.

To learn more please contact

Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Education:The course for those in the 8th grade is full. Another class will be offered for our current 7th graders beginning in March. Those unable to join the class this fall and were put on a wait list will be added to the class roster for spring.