Registration for R.E.

Register for Religious Education

Parents/guardians should fill out this registration form each year, on behalf of their young ones (babies through high school).

In the form, we ask that parents indicate how they might like to support the religious education program throughout the year. To familiarize yourself with the ways you can contribute to the religious education program, visit our page Volunteering in Religious Education.

Why do we ask all to register?

  • Registration ensures we have up-to-date contact information for you and your family.
  • Registration allows us to let you know about upcoming programming (for children, youth, AND parents).
  • Registration helps us better meet the accessibility needs of children in our program.
  • Registration gives us medical information to assure safety during religious education programming.
  • Registration helps identify how parents and families want to contribute to the religious education program.

Who sees this information?

Registration information is only shared amongst staff members of First Parish UU of Arlington, and with certain religious education volunteers (e.g. a teacher who is teaching your child). Families can opt in to sharing their contact info to a parent directory.

Who should register?

If you’re planning to have your child come to religious education programs (including nursery and youth group) more than once—and we hope you do!—you should register them for religious education. This is true whether you’d describe yourself as a visitor to, a friend of, or a member of First Parish.