Morning R.E. Programs


Our nursery is staffed each week by two trained nursery care providers, and opens on the second floor of the Parish House starting just before 10am.


Friendship Finders (Fall) & Chalice Children (Winter+Spring)

The Pre-K class has familiar routines (circle time, story time, a creative activity, and songs) and thematic curriculum. Friendship Finders celebrates sharing, family, friends, feelings, nature, and seasons. Chalice Children introduces UU values (open minds, loving hearts, helping hands) through a lot of exploring and curiosity.

Kindergarten / Grade 1

Rainbow Connection (Fall) & A Discovering Year (Winter+Spring)

The Kindergarten / Grade 1 class goes deeper on cultivating UU Values of kindness, care, wonder, respect, responsibility, and fairness. Rainbow Connection uses stories and interactive activities to explore UU Values and Principles in sequence. A Discovering Year nurtures children’s spiritual and religious growth through carefully sequenced connections to their ever widening environment.

Grade 2 / Grade 3

Connections with the Web of Life (Fall) & Holidays and Holy Days (Winter+Spring)

  • The Grade 2 / Grade 3 class both cultivates care and curiosity about the natural world, and understanding of different cultures. Connections with the Web of Life focuses on different natural systems, plants, and animals to highlight our connectedness. Holidays and Holy Days learns about different religions and cultures around the world through their celebrations, often with a good snack and art project included.

Grade 4 / Grade 5

Stories from the Hebrew Bible (Fall+Winter) & Lego UU Values (Spring)

The Grade 4 / Grade 5 class deepens its religious understanding, both by learning about the Unitarian Universalist tradition, and exploring the sacred texts of Jewish and Christian sources. Stories from the Hebrew Bible looks at important stories from the Hebrew Bible through a UU lens of curiosity and humanistic values. The class touches on the Christian New Testament stories with the Kingdom of Equals curriculum every other year. LEGO U.U. Values is a new trial curriculum introducing the Shared UU values of Generosity, Interdependence, Love, Pluralism, Justice, Transformation, & Equity through storybooks, discussion, and play (often including LEGO builds!).

Grade 6 / Grade 7

Neighboring Faiths (Fall+Winter) & Lessons of Loss (Spring – Grade 6)

The Grade 6 / Grade 7 class gets to develop their sense of community identity by exploring the communities around them. Neighboring Faiths pairs learning experiences (at First Parish) and field trips (to religious communities around the area) to appreciatively explore religious difference. Lessons of Loss explores human practices, rituals, and understandings around death in an age-appropriate way. Note: Grade 7 begins OWL in March.