Worship Service: June 30, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click the yellow button below Steve Kropper, Worship Leader "(P)reaching Across the Aisle" Why in tarnation would anyone (P)reach across the aisle? 1. Characters in other bubbles are more entertaining. 2. It keeps America from splitting in two. 3. Realistic math. Horse trading or stalemate. 4. Ponder my values, I’ll ponder […]

Worship Service: July 7, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click the yellow button below Avon Lewis, Worship Leader "Union Work as Spiritual Work" The job of a union organizer has many aspects, but at its core, it is about helping people find their voice and advocate for themselves and others. It is about being with people in hard moments. It […]

Worship Service: July 14, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click on the yellow button below Willa Taber, Guest Speaker with the Welcoming Congregation Committee "Joy, the Essence of the Soul" Join the First Parish Welcoming Congregation Committee to hear a personal story of discovering joy and learning to cultivate an enlivened life no matter your age or circumstance in life. […]

Worship Service: July 21, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click on the yellow button below Lori Kenschaft, Worship Leader "When Life Feels Like a Greek Tragedy" In a classic tragedy, horrible things happen because of the unfolding of a character's nature. These events may feel surprising or shocking along the way, but in retrospect they appear both predictable and unavoidable. […]

Worship Service: July 28, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click on the yellow button below Julius Pereli, Worship Leader "Spiritual but Not Religious" Stories about perseverance in the context of community. During the summer our worship is led each week by a member of our congregation. Julius Pereli has been a member of First Parish for about 25 years. He […]

Worship Service: August 4, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click on the yellow button below Josh Davis, Worship Leader "How First Parish Helped Me Become a Christian" In 2012, I spoke at First Parish about an extraordinary event that led to my conversion to Christianity. I will retell that event and provide an update about what has happened since, especially […]

Worship Service: August 11, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click on the yellow button below Mary Babic, Worship Leader "The Future Is Not Yet Written: The power of imagination in confronting the climate crisis" What does it mean to be open to the world? It is at once terrible, gorgeous, life-threatening, life-affirming, tragic, comic. How much light do we let […]

Worship Service: August 18, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click on the yellow button below Jitendra Singh, Worship Leader "Respectfully Yours" I hope to talk about respecting the world around us, people but also other sentient beings, even trees and rocks. Annie Dillard speaks of "teaching a stone to talk." The Tao Te Ching speaks of "being like water," to […]

Worship Service: August 25, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click on the yellow button below Megan Anderson, Worship Leader "Interdependence and Tenacious Love" How does reflecting on our belief in the interdependent web of life help us as Unitarian Universalists to attend to Disability Justice in our own congregation? Drawing on writings by Julia Watts Belser and Reverend Monica Coleman, […]

Worship Service: September 1, at 10am


Worship online only ~~ click the yellow button below John Hodges, Worship Leader "Whither Blows the Wind?" Do you run before the wind? Tack to windward? Both at different times? What has gone according to plan in your life? In every detail? A lot? Not a single thing? How do you feel about that? What […]