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Worship Service: August 18, at 10am
August 18, 2024 @ 10:00 am
Worship online only ~~ click on the yellow button below
Jitendra Singh, Worship Leader
“Respectfully Yours”
I hope to talk about respecting the world around us, people but also other sentient beings, even trees and rocks. Annie Dillard speaks of “teaching a stone to talk.” The Tao Te Ching speaks of “being like water,” to assimilate rather than rise above. Buber speaks of communicating deeply with others’ whole self. Does any of this make sense? Yes, if we embrace the contradictions in life!
During the summer our worship is led each week by a member of our congregation. Jitendra has been a member of First Parish Arlington for 7 years and a Unitarian Universalist for over 40. Jitendra was born in India into a Sikh/Hindu family and now identifies mostly as Taoist/Buddhist. He and his wife live in Arlington. He teaches Computer Science at Tufts. He enjoys deep conversations, long walks and cooking & sharing meals with friends. Every few years, he enjoys doing deep research on a topic of interest and translating it into a summer service
View or download the Order of Service |
The Order of Service is generally posted on Thursday or Friday before the service |
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If you have trouble connecting via Zoom, you may view the sermon on our YouTube channel at a later date.