Roses of Recognition: Annette Sawyer and the Alliance

Rose of Recognition January 2025

The Parish Committee gratefully extends a Rose of Recognition to Annette Sawyer and the Alliance. We are very grateful for the love and care the Alliance expresses in their work within our community, especially in these recent months.

The mission of the Alliance is to support the women in our congregation. Through that support, the Alliance advances the interests and values held by our entire congregation. While the Alliance is an independent organization, their care and support is deeply intertwined with the First Parish community.

Sadly, over the past year, several cherished Alliance members have passed away. With Annette Sawyer’s leadership, the Alliance has lovingly provided homemade refreshments and beautifully appointed tables for grieving families and friends of their members at collations following the memorial services. Their efforts comfort dear ones experiencing the most difficult of transitions. This tender care is felt and appreciated by many in our congregation.

The Alliance regularly hosts a Friday night series of educational and inspiring events (including the January Chowder Supper and Book Swap scheduled for January 24) open to all. They sponsor an annual Sunday service with a keynote speaker covering issues relevant to our times (upcoming, May 11) and the Alliance’s Charitable Giving Plan supports local and national organizations dedicated to “Helping women and families through difficult transitions”.

We are grateful for the love and care provided by the members of the Alliance. We deeply appreciate their grace, especially the support they willingly offer.