Parish Committee Priorities for 2023-24
On Saturday, September 16th, the Parish Committee held its fall retreat. Members spent the day, graciously hosted by Vice Chair Anne Quaadgras, reviewing our covenant with one another and identifying priorities for the 2023-24 program year. Two workgroups emerged from discussion and discernment.
- Volunteerism Workgroup focusing on how we create an environment at First Parish that facilitates and promotes engagement, recognizing that decades-old committee structures are not always aligned with current needs and volunteer availability.
- Long Term Planning Workgroup focusing on planning, across a five to ten-year horizon, to support a collective vision for First Parish and the supports to realize it.
Parish Committee members left the retreat energized by the discussion and First Parish’s current vibrant, robust community, its many offerings, and its potential. To learn more about the work groups, ask a Parish Committee member: Al Tosti, Anne Quaadgras, Carolyn Hodges, Celia Wcislo, Jeff Keffer, Joanna Pushee, John Anderson, John Stutz, or Sara Galantowicz or reach out to And stay tuned for more opportunities to contribute to these initiatives in support of our beloved community.
Sara Galantowicz, Chair of the Parish Committee, the elected governing board of First Parish