Giving First for December 2024: The Children’s Room

Giving First Recipient for December 2024

Each Sunday, the offering collected during worship is split between the support of First Parish and another organization chosen by the Social Justice Committee. For December, The Children’s Room will share half of the plate.

For December 2024, the Giving First recipient is The Children’s Room. The Children’s Room, based here in Arlington, provides children, teens, and their families an opportunity to find connection and community after the death of a parent or sibling. The Children’s Room creates safe, supportive communities, so that no child, teen, or family has to grieve alone. Services for families are provided free of charge so that families have no financial burden.

School-based and community-based peer support groups are offered in collaboration with schools, afterschool programs, and community agencies for children and teens who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or other close family member who was a part of their daily life. As the leading nonprofit bereavement center in Massachusetts, The Children’s Room provides training for professional groups at schools, medical centers, community agencies, and other organizations in how children, teens, and families understand and cope with death and loss.

Please give generously.

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