“Bouquet” of Roses of Recognition!

“Bouquet” of Roses of Recognition November 2024

The Parish Committee is especially grateful during this season of thanksgiving as we acknowledge several among us who have recently stepped up to serve our beloved community. We express our whole-hearted thanks and gratitude with a special edition: “Bouquet of Recognition”

First, we extend Roses of gratitude and appreciation to the “UnFerry Beach Committee,” Monique Chaplin, Michael Rie, Mary McCartney, Rachel Stark and David D’Antonio, who turned the disappointing news that First Parish couldn’t hold this year’s traditional weekend at Ferry Beach into a festive and fun day of community at First Parish. Many in our community enjoyed a day of fun, fellowship, good food, and music. Thank you, AND we look forward to returning to Ferry Beach in 2025!

The Parish Committee also extends a Rose of Recognition to David Dreyfus, a member of the First Parish Tech Team. Over these difficult weeks of grief, David has ensured our zoom offerings expanded to include virtual access to several recent memorial services. David worked “above and beyond” at a unique time so that our community, both in-person and virtually, was able to celebrate the lives of several among us who have recently passed. Thank you David for your care and technical expertise to provide this service at this time.

AND.. We wish to bestow Roses of appreciation and recognition on Aaron Kitzmiller and to all those who played a part in the highly successful 2024 Harvest Moon Fair. You likely already know that First Parish Harvest Moon Fair weekend was extraordinary. The fearless Aaron Kitzmiller guided this multi-day effort with his amazing good humor and organization. Many, many parishioners contributed highly desirable goods for sale, as well as worked many hours sorting, cooking, selling, and opening our doors to the wider community throughout the day of the fair. This is a highlight for Arlington, we deeply appreciate your welcoming spirit.