Lakota YouthStay Hosting Opportunity this July – One More Family Needed!

Lakota YouthStay (LYS), a Giving First recipient last year, is looking for a family (with or without children) in the greater Arlington/Medford area to host 2 Native American youth from South Dakota July 2-11, 2024. The Lakota youth are part of a larger group of 8, ages 10-15 y.o., who will participate in the Lakota YouthStay program. They need just one more family that can host 2 boys in order to accommodate this year’s group. Hosts provide a welcoming,warm, and comfortable home and meals for the Native youth during YouthStay week. Hosting is a great opportunity to learn about Native history, culture, and contemporary life while beginning a new friendship with Native youth! For more information about the LYS program, becoming a host, and to apply, visit their website https://lakota or contact Joy Harris, LYS Founder/Director at or 617-852-2941. Families from First Parish have hosted these youth from the Pine Ridge Reservation in the past and can attest to the impact of this powerful program.

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