Parish Committee (governing board)
The Parish Committee generally meets the third Tuesday of each month, except July, with additional meetings as needed. Consult the First Parish calendar. Meetings are open to any First Parish member. To request an agenda item email ParishExec@firstparish.
Purpose: To serve as the governing body of First Parish: to create parish-wide policy, hold a long-term vision, oversee and empower committees, foster new initiatives and discern priorities among them, prepare and oversee the annual budget, conduct an annual evaluation of the overall ministry of the parish, approve non-called program staff, monitor the overall condition of the physical plant, and speak for the congregation on matters of public concern.
View or download the agenda of next meeting, scheduled for December 17.
Minutes of Parish Committee meetings, 2018 – current, are posted here.
Membership: Clerk, Treasurer, and seven other individuals, all of whom must be First Parish members.
Chair: Anne Quaadgras (second term ends 2025)
Vice-Chair: John Anderson (first term ends 2026)
Treasurer: Carolyn Hodges (first term ends 2024)
Clerk: Joanna Pushee (first term ends 2025)
Jeff Keffer
Steve McMullin
Susan Moore
Allan Tosti
Kate Tranquada
Contact: Chair and Vice-Chair –
Note: The Executive Committee of the Parish Committee consists of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, and Marta and Rev. Erica as non-voting ex officio members. The Executive Committee is empowered to make a variety of small and/or urgent decisions and brings larger issues to the full Parish Committee.