Parish Committee Charter & Policies
General Purpose
The Parish Committee is the principal policy-forming and administrative body of First Parish, subject only to the prime authority of the congregation. The Parish Committee provides leadership and vision, creates policy, and has full authority and responsibility to act on the business and programs of First Parish, except as limited by our bylaws. The Parish Committee has general charge of the conduct of all First Parish business affairs and the control of First Parish administration, including the appointment of such committees as the members of the Parish Committee may deem necessary. The Parish Committee serves and answers to the congregation.
Alignment to First Parish Mission
The Parish Committee covenants to uphold the mission of First Parish as the basis for all actions and decisions:
We choose to be a liberal religious community, welcoming to all.
We encourage each other on our spiritual journeys,
Support one another through the changes in our lives,
And challenge the excesses and injustices of our time.
Called to love and upheld by joy, we live our faith.
Leadership and Membership
The Parish Committee consists of the Clerk, the Treasurer, and seven other members at large, all of whom must be members of First Parish.
The members of the Parish Committee are elected at the Annual Meeting. A person who has served two consecutive three-year terms as a member of the Parish Committee must wait at least one year before being eligible to serve on the Parish Committee again. All members’ terms begin immediately following the Annual Meeting at which they are elected. In case of early resignation or removal from office, the Parish Committee may appoint a replacement to serve until the next Annual Meeting.
The Parish Committee elects its own leadership from among its at-large members, currently a Chair and Vice Chair, and determines their terms.
The Chair, Vice Chair, and the Lead and Parish minister (as non-voting ex-officio members) serve as an Executive Committee. The Parish Committee may choose other Parish Committee members and lay people to participate in the Executive Committee at any time.
The Executive Committee is empowered to triage requests and concerns from within the community, serve as a sounding board for various topics, make minor administrative decisions, sign contracts such as hiring letters or rental agreements with long-term tenants, and respond to emergencies. The Executive Committee reports monthly to the Parish Committee and brings matters of importance to the Parish Committee for timely action.
The Parish Committee meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month (may run later as needed). It also has two additional meetings in the spring, one with the Committee on Ministry to review the evaluation of the ministry and ministry of the congregation and the other with the Finance Committee to approve a proposed budget for the upcoming program year for congregational vote at the Annual Meeting. Except when the Parish Committee goes into executive session, its meetings are open to all First Parish members.
The Parish Committee also holds 2 or 3 half or full-day retreats each year. These retreats are for orientation, relationship building, and discernment. Retreats are open only to Parish Committee members and invited guests. No votes are taken at retreats.
The Executive Committee generally meets twice a month at times convenient to its participants.
Both the Parish Committee and the Executive Committee may meet as needed to provide timely response to urgent matters or to devote extended time to an important topic.
The Parish Committee may call congregational meetings, including the Annual Meeting, at a time and place decided by the Parish Committee. Annual Meeting must be held between April 25 and May 31 of each year.
The responsibilities of the Parish Committee include:
- Create and hold a long-term vision
- Create policy
- Promote the health of the community, and support the ministers and staff in their work
- Oversee and empower committees and their work
- Foster new initiatives and discern priorities among them
- Hold legal responsibility for the actions of First Parish (no personal liability)
- Prepare an annual budget in collaboration with the Finance Committee, to be submitted to the congregation for a vote at Annual Meeting
- Participate in the annual evaluation of the ministers and the overall ministry of the church with the Committee on Ministry
- Bear ultimate responsibility for the stewardship drive for the annual operating budget
- Bear ultimate responsibility for the condition of the physical property
- Vote to hire and dismiss non-called program staff (Parish Minister, Minister of RE, Music Director, Office Manager)
- Speak for the congregation on matters of public concern
- Report to the congregation at Annual Meeting.
- Post Parish Committee meeting dates in the weekly announcements and Sunday Teaser.
- Post meeting agendas on the website 24 hours prior to each regularly scheduled meeting
- Maintain and publicize an email address for the Executive Committee to request additions of items on the agenda. (
- Publish minutes on the First Parish website.
- Keep minutes available on the church website for 12 months and archive them for at least 10 years.
- No minutes or votes are taken in executive session
- Publish monthly updates on Parish Committee decisions and discussions, as a regular feature (ParSnips) in the Spire
Relationship to Professional Staff
The Lead and Parish ministers serve in an advisory capacity to all committees, including the Parish Committee as non-voting ex officio members. With the Committee on Ministry, the Parish Committee conducts an annual evaluation of the Lead and Parish ministers. The Parish Committee also approves the hiring and termination of non-called lead program staff, who at this time are the Music Director, Minister of Religious Education, and Office Manager.
Annual Budget and Spending Authority
The First Parish bylaws state that the Parish Committee “…shall have general charge of the property and funds of the Church, exclusive of the property and funds under the custody and control of the Trustees of Trust Funds. The Parish Committee shall also have general charge of the conduct of all its business affairs”.
The bylaws require the Parish Committee to submit an operating budget for the coming fiscal year at each Annual Meeting. Once a budget is approved, the Parish Committee may authorize and expend the funds as budgeted. It may reallocate funds between line items as long as the amount reallocated does not exceed ten percent of the total budgeted expenditures. It may borrow money for church expenses, if necessary, as long as the amount borrowed does not exceed ten percent of the current annual operating budget. Beyond these limits, any additional expenses or loans require the approval of the congregation during a congregational meeting.
The Parish Committee also controls a discretionary budget that is allocated in the annual operating budget.
Budget Calendar & Key Tasks
Early fall | With Stewardship, the Parish Committee thanks the congregation for their support and illuminates what their generosity makes possible. Finance Committee collects input from staff and committees about expected non-pledge income and expenses in the following fiscal year, including new or ‘wish-list’ activities. |
October | Finance summit – leaders of the Parish, Finance, Trustees, Stewardship, and Property Committees share information on major financial areas and develop coordinated plans for expected expenses and income changes. |
December | Finance Committee presents a first draft of the budget to the Parish Committee. Parish Committee identifies preliminary budget priorities and suggests a pledge goal to the Stewardship Committee. |
January-March | Stewardship Committee conducts the pledge campaign. The Parish Committee Chair and Vice Chair are in regular communication with the Stewardship and Finance Committees. |
April | The Finance Committee prepares a draft budget based on the pledge drive results and identified priorities. The Parish Committee and Finance Committee chair have a shared budget meeting at which the Parish Committee approves a proposed budget. The proposed budget is published on the website, with notices in the E-Bulletin and Sunday bulletin. |
April-May | The Parish Committee and Finance Committee host at least one meeting where members of the congregation can ask questions about the proposed budget. |
May | The congregation votes on the budget for the following year at the Annual Meeting. |
Appendix: Bylaws Related to the Parish Committee
The complete First Parish bylaws can be found at this link. Below are copies of the portions that pertain directly to the Parish Committee
ARTICLE VII—Parish Committee
Section 1. The Parish Committee, subject to the prime authority of the congregation, is the principal policy-forming and administrative body of the church. The Parish Committee has full authority and responsibility, except as limited by these bylaws, to act on the business and programs of the church. The Parish Committee shall have general charge of the property and funds of the Church, exclusive of the property and funds under the custody and control of the Trustees of Trust Funds. The Parish Committee shall also have general charge of the conduct of all its business affairs, and the control of its administration, including the appointment of such committees as it may deem necessary.
Section 2. The Parish Committee shall consist of the Clerk, the Treasurer, and seven other members, all of whom shall be members of the Church.
Section 3.
a. The members of the Parish Committee, other than the Clerk and the Treasurer, shall each be elected for a term of three years. A person who has served two consecutive three-year terms as a member of the Parish Committee shall not be eligible for election to any seat on the Parish Committee until after the expiration of one year running from one Annual Meeting to the next Annual Meeting.
b. The terms of office of all Parish Committee members so elected shall run from the end of the Annual Meeting at which they are elected until the end of the Annual Meeting at which their terms of office expire.
Section 4. The Parish Committee shall make a written report to the membership on at least an annual basis, and otherwise shall inform the membership of major policy decisions.
Section 5. Meetings of the Parish Committee shall be open to the membership, except when matters relating to personnel or litigation are taken up in executive session.
Section 6. A majority of the voting members of the Parish Committee shall constitute a quorum. Any action by the Parish Committee may be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast by those present at the meeting, unless this majority limit is otherwise specifically increased in the Parish Committee’s policies or otherwise provided in these bylaws.
Section 7. Any officer of the Church or member of the Parish Committee may resign by giving notice in writing to the Chair or may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the Parish Committee or by vote of a simple majority of the voting members present at a congregational meeting.
Section 1. The officers of the Church shall be the members of the Parish Committee, the Assistant Treasurer, the Moderator, and the Auditor.
Section 2. The following officers shall be elected by written ballot at an Annual Meeting: the Clerk, the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer, the Moderator, and the Auditor, each for a term of three years. A person who has served two consecutive three-year terms as an officer shall be ineligible for re-election until after the expiration of one year running from one Annual Meeting to the next Annual Meeting. Only members of the church are eligible to serve as officers. The Clerk shall be a resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Moderator and the Auditor may not serve concurrently as members of the Parish Committee.
Section 3. The terms of office of all officers so elected shall run from the end of the Annual Meeting at which they are elected until the end of the Annual Meeting at which their terms of office expire.
Section 4. The Chair and Vice Chair of the Parish Committee shall be selected by the Parish Committee from among its members, excluding the Clerk and the Treasurer.
Section 5. Except as otherwise provided herein, the authority and duties of the officers shall be as prescribed in writing by the Parish Committee.
Section 6. The Chair shall coordinate the administrative functions of the Church and shall represent the Church on all appropriate occasions.
Section 7. The Vice Chair shall act in the absence of or at the request of the Chair, at which time she or he shall have all powers and functions applicable to the Chair.
Section 9. The Clerk shall be the official secretary of the Parish Committee and shall ensure that proper records are maintained and that proceedings of the Parish Committee are regularly reported to the congregation. The Clerk shall be responsible for notifying the membership by mail of all congregational meetings and of all matters to be acted upon at said meetings, shall preside at congregational meetings in the absence of the Moderator until a Moderator pro tem is chosen, and shall keep a record of the proceedings of such meetings. The Clerk shall perform the duties of the Chair in the event of the simultaneous absence or incapacity of both the Chair and Vice Chair.
Section 10. The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all money and other property of the church entrusted to his or her care, which excludes monies, securities, and properties under the control of the Trustees of Trust Funds; make disbursements as directed or approved by the Parish Committee; keep a complete account of the finances of the Church in records belonging to the Church, including direction and coordination of any public accounting firm employed by the Church; render a current statement at each regular meeting of the Parish Committee and of the membership; and ensure that all federal, state or local returns, reports or other items required by law are properly prepared and filed with the appropriate authorities in a timely manner.
ARTICLE IX—Vacancies
Section 1. Vacancies caused by resignation or inability to serve in an office of the Church shall be filled by the Parish Committee until the next Annual Meeting, except in the office of Moderator, which may be filled only by vote of the membership at any congregational meeting.
Section 2. Vacancies occurring in any elected committee may be filled by the Parish Committee until the next Annual Meeting. If three or more vacancies exist at any one time in the Parish Committee, a congregational meeting for the purpose of filling these vacancies shall be held within thirty days.
Section 3. Vacancies shall, at the next Annual Meeting, be filled by election for the remainder of the term for which the officer or committee member was originally elected.
ARTICLE X—Committee and Duties
Section 3. The Parish Committee may appoint from time to time such ad hoc committees as it may deem necessary.
ARTICLE XII—Fiscal Matters
Section 2. In its management of the affairs of the Church, the Parish Committee shall expend only such sums as have been appropriated by adoption of the annual budget or by special vote taken at the Annual Meeting or at another congregational meeting or are designated gifts or grants that are intended by the giver to be used before the following fiscal year.
Section 3. At each Annual Meeting, the Parish Committee shall submit an operating budget for the coming fiscal year. The budgeted expenditures may not exceed the anticipated income. A budget shall be adopted by a simple majority vote of the voting members present at the meeting. Once a budget is approved, the Parish Committee may authorize and expend the funds as budgeted; however, the Parish Committee may reallocate funds among the line items of the approved budget so long as the amount reallocated does not exceed ten percent of the total budgeted expenditures.
Section 5. The Parish Committee may borrow money for church expenses, if necessary; however, no borrowing of money nor financial contract may be made without approval of the members of the Church in a congregational meeting if such borrowing or contract involves more than ten percent of the current annual operating budget.
approved by Parish Committee on 2/20/2024
Calendar (2024-2025)
Date | Proposed Mode | |
Sat June 1, 2024: Daytime Retreat | In-person, Parlor | |
June 18 | Online | |
August 27 | Online | |
Sat Sept 14: Daytime Retreat | In-person, Parlor | |
Sep 17 | Online | |
Oct 15 | Online | |
Nov 19 | Online | |
Dec 17 (budget wish list) | TBD | |
Jan 21 | Online | |
Sat Feb 1: Daytime Retreat | In person, Parlor | |
Feb 11 | Online | |
March 18 | Online | |
March 25 (Joint Evaluation with COM) | In-person | |
April 15 (annual budget meeting) | TBD | |
April 29 | Online | |
May 13 | Online | |
May 18 (annual meeting) | Hybrid, Sanctuary | |
Sat June 7: Daytime Retreat | In-person, Parlor | |
June 17 | Online |
Parish Committee Working Groups 2023-2024
Working group | Goals and planned actions |
“Charting the Course” Visioning | Develop and execute a visioning process to generate and prioritize ideas for the coming three to five years, and discern next steps |
Volunteer Engagement | Gather input from current committee leaders and others to discern how to improve engagement and make volunteering more desirable. Make short and long term recommendations for change and begin to implement them. Focus on standing committees that are struggling to recruit and retain qualified volunteers. |
As members of the Parish Committee, we commit ourselves to realizing the mission of First Parish, and to keep it prominent before us as we make decisions, create policies, and choose priorities for our community.
- We promise to be good stewards of our resources and care for the long-term well-being of our community.
- As leaders of the congregation, we will model enthusiasm, diligence, courage, and positive relationships.
- We commit ourselves to building trust between and among members of the congregation, leaders, and staff through clear communication, transparent processes, and responsible and compassionate action.
- We will seek to involve all members of the congregation, hear their diverse voices, and encourage leadership among them.
- Among ourselves, we will speak and listen with care for one another, and hear each voice with equal respect. We will start and end meetings on time.
- As leaders, we understand that we will be called on to speak difficult truths with love. We will encourage conflicting opinions with open hearts and minds. Once made, we will stand united behind our decisions.
We offer our service on the Parish Committee in the spirit of love.
—Adopted by the Parish Committee 2011
It is the intention of the Parish Committee to make the decisions and discussions of the Parish Committee an accessible and transparent process. We encourage an open flow of communication with the congregation. The Parish Committee is committed to developing policy that will build communication
Parish Committee Communication with the Congregation
Parish Committee meetings are public and can be attended by anyone within the church community, as well as invited guests. The Parish Committee meeting schedule is established at the beginning of the year and is available through the church office. Regular meetings are also published in the church calendar, which is distributed through regular church communications. In the event of a meeting change or an extra meeting taking place outside of the normal schedule, notification of the meeting date will take place at least one week prior to the meeting and will be posted. In the event of an emergency meeting the schedule will be posted as soon as possible.
Parish Committee meeting agendas should be posted on the First Parish website 48 hours prior to the Parish Committee meeting whenever circumstances allow. Each meeting agenda is set by the Parish Committee Executive Committee, which consists of the Parish Committee Chairs and other designated members. Anyone wanting to have an item on the agenda should contact the Parish Committee Chair. An e-mail address that can be used to reach the Parish Committee will be maintained and publicized widely.
Approved Parish Committee Minutes will be posted in the church and on the First Parish website. Minutes will include staff reports that are submitted to Parish Committee, such as the Minister, Director of Religious Education, and Office Manager’s report. Other reports may also be attached at the request of the Parish Committee. Minutes will be available on the church website for 12 months, and then archived for at least 10 years. There will be a hard copy notebook of Parish Committee meeting minutes and staff reports held in the church office dating back 2 years.
Under special and unusual circumstance the Parish Committee may meet in Executive Session during which only members of the Parish Committee may be present. Past Executive Sessions have generally been related to staff evaluations and salary discussions. Executive Sessions are for discussion only, and no minutes are taken.
Highlights of Parish Committee Meetings, as well as any relevant updates will be published in our monthly newsletter, The Spire. Parish Committee meeting dates will be in the weekly announcements e-mail and the Sunday Bulletin found in the Order of Service. As of April 2011, the Parish Committee e-mail address is
—Adopted by the Parish Committee April 26, 2011
All Parish Committee (ParCom) members are required by the First Parish by-laws to be members of First Parish. In addition, the following are important:
- A belief in the mission of First Parish
- Demonstrated leadership within First Parish; for example, serving on 1 or more standing committees or large projects
- A history of a financial contribution of record, of any amount, to First Parish
- An interest in policy-making and big picture thinking
- A willingness to engage on controversial issues
- Good working relationships with other First Parish members
- Good listening and communication skills
- One or more of the skills ParCom seeks to have among its members, such as legal, financial, group dynamics, spiritual leadership, social justice, music, and religious education.
- Dedication to First Parish as a member of the volunteer governing board, including the ability and energy to dedicate at least 5 hours each month to projects, communications, and meetings
- Attend monthly meetings, usually held on third Tuesdays, from 7 pm to 9 pm (some may run longer), with two additional meetings in March and April
- Serve on a ParCom working group, meeting about once a month with tasks between meetings
- Willingness to (learn how to) execute key committee duties, e.g., budget and employee oversight
- Comfort with (learning to use) electronic collaboration and document management (Google Drive, Docs, Slides, etc.)
- Willingness to step in to serve in case of emergency needs (such as filling a position on a committee)
- Regular attendance at Sunday Service in person or remote
- Prompt communications with other ParCom members, by email, phone, or in person
- Timely follow-through on commitments
- Intention to serve full term to ensure continuity and retention of institutional knowledge
- Willingness to consider serving as chair of the Parish Committee for 1 or 2 years
Parish Committee Responsibilities
- general
- Create and hold a long-term vision
- Create policy
- Promote the health of the community, and support the ministers and staff in their work
- Oversee and empower committees and their work
- Foster new initiatives and discern priorities among them
- Hold legal responsibility for the actions of First Parish (no personal liability)
- specific
- Prepare an annual budget in collaboration with the Finance Committee, to be submitted at Annual Meeting
- Participate in the annual evaluation of the ministers and the overall ministry of the church with the Committee on Ministry
- Bear ultimate responsibility for the stewardship drive for the annual operating budget
- Bear ultimate responsibility for the condition of the physical property
- Vote to hire and dismiss non-called program staff
- Speak for the congregation on matters of public concern
Approved by Parish Committee on 2/20/2024