Child Safety Policy


Child Protection and Safety

  • Teachers, the Minister, parents, and other adults who interact with children (infant to 12 years) and youth (12–18 years) at First Parish will adhere to the Code of Ethics.
  • There must be a minimum of two adults present in the building during classes, meetings, and other events involving children and youth.
  • RE classes will be staffed with “teaching teams” that include at least two adults.
  • During RE morning classes, parents (or a designated adult) of children 12 or younger must remain on church premises.
  • Children who are not enrolled in an RE class or church-sponsored activity must be supervised by their parents at all times. Children should be supervised in the building or on church property. Outside of RE classes, parents (or a designated adult) are responsible for their children.
  • Children in the third grade or below will remain in their classrooms until they are picked up by their parents or a designated adult.
  • At adult events where alcohol is being served, parents will supervise children at all times.
  • Weapons may not be brought onto church property or brought on churchsponsored trips.
  • Acts of violence and bullying will not be tolerated.
  • There is a First Aid kit in every classroom.

Trips, Overnights, and Retreats

  • Parents will complete and sign Activity Permission Forms when children and youth are leaving by vehicle on a church-designated field trip, overnight, or retreat. The leaders will copy the Activity Permission Forms, carry one set with them at all times, and leave the other set in the church office. Students participating in the Neighboring Faiths course will complete one form for the program year.
  • There will be a minimum of two adults with the group, with a recommended ratio of one adult per five children or one adult per eight youth.
  • All drivers will be covered by their own car insurance and have valid drivers licenses.
  • Each child/youth will be secured individually with a seat belt.
  • Rules of conduct for youth overnights and retreats will be developed and periodically reviewed by the Youth Adult Committee or, if there is no YAC, by the Youth Group Advisor and youth.
  • A First Aid kit will be taken on all field trips, overnights, and retreats.
  • There will be no use of alcohol or illegal drugs on field trips, overnights, or retreats. Such use will be grounds for dismissal from the RE program or Youth Group.
  • Weapons may not be brought on field trips, overnights, or retreats. Camping equipment must be approved in advance.