Sunday Announcements
The Sunday Bulletin contains action items and essential information. It is included in the Order of Service. Space is limited, so submissions must be brief. The Sunday Bulletin is managed by Communications Associate Greg Friedman under the supervision of Office Manager Joan Dyer.
Submissions for the Sunday Bulletin should be e-mailed to by Wednesday at noon.
—Updated in collaboration with office staff May 2013
Spoken announcements are made by a Worship Associate at the beginning of the Sunday Service. These announcements are intentionally kept limited, so the service can begin with a worshipful tone. Depending on the number and/or length of the announcements on any given Sunday, Worship Associates may abridge the requested text at their discretion.
The Sunday Bulletin is the best place for most Sunday announcements. Spoken announcements generally (1) must be relevant to the whole congregation and (2) should refer to events that will occur that day or within the following week.
To request a spoken announcement, submit your text to the Office Assistant at; she will forward your request to the Worship Associates.
As noted, almost all spoken announcement are made by the Worship Associate serving on that Sunday. However, exceptions are made for some larger church events, such as the Harvest Moon Fair and the Stewardship Campaign, when Guest Announcements may be appropriate. If you believe that your announcement falls under the category of Guest Announcement, you must get approval from the Worship Associates in advance. This group can be reached at
—Updated in collaboration with the Worship Associates May 2013