Procedures for public witness banner composition and approval
This document is intended to provide guidance in support of the Public Witness Policy, which has a section on procedures. These procedures are not intended to be interpreted strictly.
Public witness banners are a part of the congregation’s social justice program. The Social Justice Committee (SJC) has delegated responsibility for managing public witness banners to the Emergent Issues Task Group (EITG), which was formed by SJC. The EITG can be reached at
The authority to speak for the congregation to the outside community, such as with a banner, resides with the Parish Committee, according to the bylaws and the Public Witness Policy.
Regular procedure
Creation of a new public witness banner message typically originates with the EITG recognizing that a banner change is warranted, either through the initiative of EITG members or by suggestion from other members or staff of the congregation. EITG members meet (in person or otherwise) to confer and settle on a concept. A draft of wording is developed, either collaboratively or by selecting from suggestions made by an individual. EITG may include other interested people in the process (such as people with relevant expertise or sensitivity to the issue).
The EITG sends to the Executive Committee the banner concept, usually with draft wording. If Exec considers the concept worthy of discussion by Parish Committee, they put it on the agenda for a Parish Committee meeting.
A member of EITG attends the Parish Committee meeting to present the concept and hear the discussion, which may include comments about wording. Parish Committee takes a vote on whether to approve the concept.
EITG confers, usually by email, to finalize the wording and to decide on a design for the banner. They may enlist design assistance from others.
EITG sends the wording to Exec to check that the wording is consistent with what Parish Committee approved. If it’s judged to be not consistent, EITG will confer again to make adjustments.
EITG finalizes the design, orders, and posts the banner.
Procedure when an emergent situation calls for urgent action
The procedure differs from the regular procedure in these respects:
The process through which EITG develops the banner concept and drafts the wording is usually is done through telecommunications only (no in-person meeting).
A single member of Exec (usually the chair) acts on behalf of the Parish Committee, so there is no meeting of the Parish Committee involved. The Exec member decides whether to approve the concept and, if approved, may comment about wording.
Adopted April 2020 by the Executive Committee and the Emergent Issues Task Group